"Behold, the Lord God helps me; who will declare me guilty?"
We come to worship seeking the Lord's help
to ultimately lead us from despair to freedom.
The scripture lesson for Sunday, March 23, is Isaiah 50:4-11.
The sermon title for Sunday, March 23, will be "The Lord Helps Me."
~ Next Sunday, March 30, we will gather for our Soup Luncheon! ~
~ Easter Flower orders are due by Sunday, April 13th. ~
There will be a list of choices and prices
on a bulletin insert order form.
~ On Maundy Thursday, April 17,
we will gather for a covered dish supper at 6:15 pm.
Please bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert to share if you are able.
After the meal at 7:00 pm,The Lord's Supper
will be observed around the common table in the fellowship hall.
~ On Easter Sunday, April 20th,
there will be a Sunrise Service at 7:00 am
in the Stone Fireplace Room,
which is traditionally followed by breakfast prepared by the
men of the church.
The Week of March 23, 2025
Monday - 10:00 am - Baby Quilting
Wednesday - 6:00 am - Men's Prayer Time
- 7:00 pm - Trustees Meeting
Thursday - 7:00 pm - Session Meeting
- Elders please read The Westminster Confession of Faith,
chapters 27,28, and 29 on the sacraments.
Friday - 4:30 pm - COMMUNITY SOUP SUPPER!!!
~ The collection for Hope for Renewal is ongoing!
There will be a list of requested items on Sunday's bulletin insert.
Donations can be left on the table in the Stone Fireplace Room.
All donations are due by Sunday April 13,
and you are invited to join Mission Committee
members on Wednesday, April 16,
as they deliver the items to Hope for Renewal's cafe ministry
and hear an update
from Gary and Cindy Koerth.
~ Seneca HIlls Camp Scholarships!! ~
Harmony church has funds set aside to provide
full scholarships to children from our church And the Harrisville community.
Please let them know and to contact the church if they are interested.
Celebrate: 225 Years of Faith!
The 225th anniversary of Harmony congregation will be celebrated
on Saturday evening, July 26,
and during Sunday morning worship, July 27.
If you have items of historical interest to share
please reach out to one of the committee members,
Pastor Jeff, Gretchen Cumpston, Cliff Erdner, or Ralph Oakes.
More information will be forthcoming. Thank you.
Well, That's All Folks!
"Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the voice of his servant?
Let him who walks in darkness and has no light trust in the name
of the LORD and rely on his God."
We walk by faith and not by sight.
Soli Deo Gloria!