COPIES OF SUNDAY'S BULLETIN - are available upon request! Leave a message at the church office to receive a copy!
FEED MY SHEEP FOOD CUPBOARD: Contact # 724-421-5274. Food Cupboard Wish List - Looking to Christmas - cake mix, icing, hot chocolate, marshmallows, popcorn.
STATISTICS for January 2025: Families - 115; Total Family Members - 249; Adults - 126; Children - 64; Seniors - 59; New families - 7. Emergency Out-of-Area - 0 families. Slippery Rock Borough - 41 families; Slippery Rock Area - 56 families; Harrisville Area - 16 families.
Thank you for all your generous support! We could not help our friends and neighbors without you!
The food cupboard mourns the loss of their treasurer, Louse Ekas. They are trying to do the tasks she did, but many were recorded in her head. If you were a monetary contributor and need a tax letter, please contact them at the number above.
Donations can be delivered to the Food Bank at 324 N Main ST, Slippery Rock, PA. Unfortunately, we no longer have a representative to deliver for Harmony Church. Call ahead before making a delivery.
HARMONY HAPPENINGS NEWSLETTER: The FEBRUARY/MARCH 2025 newsletter has been sent out by email. Paper copies can be requested from the church office. Call and leave a message for your request. Newsletters can also be viewed from the NEWSLETTER tab of this website. Deadline for submissions for the APRIL/MAY issue is Thursday, March 20th at 9 AM. All submissions must be in writing to the church office or as an attachment to an email - (Word documents preferred.)
BULLETIN DEADLINE! The bulletin deadline is on Thursdays @ 9 AM to have information in Sunday's bulletin. You can email requests, call the office and leave a message, or leave written notes on Pam's desk.
MISSION OFFERING - 100% of the Mission Offering goes to meeting the goals set in the Mission Budget. Please use the Mission Offering envelopes inserted in your giving packets. If you do not receive envelopes and would like to, please contact the church office.
Mission offering are collected on the 2nd Sunday of each month, except for Holiday Offerings, whose dates may change as directed by the Session.
Note: These dates are subject to change. Check the Sunday Bulletin for changes.
COMMUNION SCHEDULE (Usually the first Sunday of February, April, June, August, October, and December.) See bulletin or Calendar for this website for dates.
DEACONS - 2nd Thursdays @ 7 PM
TRUSTEES - 4th Wednesdays @ 7 PM
SESSION - 4th Thursdays @ 7 PM
Note: Home Communion usually follows worship on Communion Sundays.