• Welcome to Harmony Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Harrisville, PA
  • After Christmas cuteness!
  • After Christmas cuteness!
  • Harmony Church exists to boldly lead others to become followers of Jesus Christ.
  • Installation of New Officers for 2025
  • Installation of New Officers for 2025
  • One Nation Under God....
  • Wild Game Dinner, January 25, 2025
  • Wild Game Dinner, January 25, 2025


Welcome from Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Jones

‘Ecclesia’. That is the Latin word for congregation. It means that each congregation is more than a simple gathering. It is an event of God’s grace. We believe God has called us together here in Harmony Evangelical Presbyterian Church to know and share His grace in Jesus Christ. Perhaps God is calling you to be part of His church. We would love for you to come and discern your call with us. Only together can we be the Ecclesia of God.





    7:00 - 8:30 PM

    APPETIZERS (bring one to share), GENO'S CAPPUCCINO!!

    JANE GREGG (violin),
    MARK DeWALT (keyboard),
    AND JOHN ELMER (guitar).




    "You only have I known of all the families of the earth."
    In worship, we come before the One who knows us.

    The scripture lesson for Sunday, February 9, is Amos 3:1 - 5:17.
    The sermon title for Sunday, February 9, will be "You Only Have I Known."

    ~ This Sunday, February 9, 
    we will share in the sacrament of communion.
    Any baptized person who has made a profession of faith is welcome to 
    receive the gifts of the Lord's Table. Please prepare yourself spiritually
    to come before the Lord by reading the whole Amos passage and meditating
    upon the individual verses.

    ~ This Lord's Day, Feb. 9, is also a
     Mission Offering Sunday.
    Please remember our Mission Partners in your giving.


    The Week of February 9, 2025

    Sunday - 12:00 pm - Communion for Shut-ins

    Monday - 10:00 am - Baby Quilting

    Wednesday - 6:00 am - Men's Prayer Time

    Thursday - 7:00 pm - Deacons Meeting

    Saturday - 8:30 am - Presbytery of the Alleghenies Meeting
                    @ Covenant EPC, Sharon.



    Seneca Hills
    ~ MAN CAMP ~
    March 7-9, 2025
    Speaker: Rev. Tom Hall :::: $140 for on campus, $105 for commuters :::: ages 15+

    A Weekend filled with: Worship! Fellowship! Good Food! And Much More!

    Check out the informational poster on the bulletin board.  


    Well, That's All Folks!

    "Seek good and not evil, that you may live, and so
    the LORD, the God of hosts, will be with you, as you have said."
    We must not only profess our faith but live it.

    Soli Deo Gloria!


    Baby Quilting meets on Mondays at 10 am.  Men's Prayer meets on Wednesdays at 6 am. Check weekly bulletin for cancelations or rescheduling of these two events.

    Saturday, February 8th - Jazz Nite, 7:00 - 8:30pm - featuring Jane Gregg, Mark DeWalt, and John Elmer.  Enjoy Jazz standards above standard ~ soft lights, soft drinks, soft talk.  Bring your sweetheart!

    Sunday, February 9th  - Communion to be served and Mission Offering to be received.

    Friday, February 14th - Happy Valentine's Day!

    Saturday, February 15th - Book Club meets in the Fellowship Hall at 9 am.

    Monday, February 17th - Happy President's Day!

    Friday, February 28th - Community Soup Supper, 4:30-6:30 pm - join us for your choice from two soups, bread/crackers, dessert and beverage!  This is a FREE meal, open to the community!


    Baby Quilting meets on Mondays at 10 am.  Men's Prayer meets on Wednesdays at 6 am. Check weekly bulletin for cancelations or rescheduling of these two events.

    Sunday, March 2nd - Soup Luncheon to follow worship, 12:15 pm

    Wednesday, March 5th - Ash Wednesday, first day of Lent

    Sunday, March 9th - Mission Offering received & Daylight Savings Time begins

    Saturday, March 15th - Book Club, 9 am

    Monday, March 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Thursday, March 20th - First Day of Spring!!, Harmony Happenings deadline for submissions.

    Friday, March 28th - Community Soup Supper, 4:30-6:30 pm

    Sunday, March 30th - Soup Luncheon to follow worship, 12:15 pm.


    At 11 AM on Sundays, our worship service will be streaming LIVE on FACEBOOK at HARMONY HARRISVILLE.  You do not have to be a "friend" to watch.  We have made this site open to the public.  Sharing is encouraged!  If you would like a bulletin to follow along, look under the SUNDAY BULLETINS tab above and feel free to print your own copy!

    Sorry, you must have a FACEBOOK account to view the service LIVE.  If you are interested in an AUDIO version of a Sunday worship service, please call the church office with your request and someone will get back to you!


    Sunday, February 2, 2025

    Above are the buttons for our most recent worship service recording.  Sunday's service is usually posted on the Thursday following the service.  For previous services, go the REC WORSHIP SERVICES tab above.  If you are on FACEBOOK, please consider sending us a friend request to Harmony Harrisville.  And please share our videos!  Help us spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  The matching bulletin for this service can be found under the SUNDAY BULLETINS tab.  Thank you.


    Online Giving

    If you are able to, please remember the church in your financial choices.  Tithes and offerings can be sent in your regular offering envelopes within a mailing envelope to:  Harmony EPC, PO BOX 406, Harrisville, PA  16038. 

    OR you can use the above button and give your offering through our Online Giving option which is available to us through our denomination.  This is a secure connectiion that you may use if you wish.

    Thanks for your faithful stewardship and financial support of our church, Harmony Evangelical Presbyterian Church.


    Check out more of our church activities by scrolling through more photos under the PHOTOS tab above.  Take a look!!  Thank you to Harriet Grossman, our church photographer, for most of the photos you see here!  (2021 photos to be added soon!)